Yucky Swim

Happy Earth Day! Maybe you can find a less-risky way to celebrate it than this guy: www.brooklynpaper.com/.../dtg-gowanus-canal-swim-2015-04-24-bk.html Yikes! My favorite comment: "Not only is he raising awareness for Earth Day but Hepatitis A through Z." :-) (I wonder if OW "purists" would do THIS swim "naked?")
  • Um... no. Not even with a dry suit. I wouldn't style myself an open water purist--although I generally don't wear wetsuits, I don't believe in telling others what to do... and I did wear a wetsuit in a training swim in April, so I can't call myself a purist now... but no.... not there. Granted, there are people who will tell me not to swim in the Schuylkill River (where I've trained a bunch of times)... but it's pristine compared to those photos.