Two days before 5 mile swim--last minute thoughts?

Well, gang, two days plus 47 minutes from now, I'll embark upon this swim: I've done it twice before, in 2007 (3:25:12) and 2010 (4:19:xx). In 2010, I was undertrained and so just happy I could finish before they fished me out of the water (they gave me some slack over the 4 hour cut-off b/c I was getting close). This year, they're going to be a lot stricter. I'm fine with that. They are an organization I trust and I've never at any time during either swim ever felt unsafe or that someone was dropping the ball--they are wonderful! This year, I've trained with a coach, had some open water practice, including a 3 hour swim, reached a max of 10000 yards (in a pool), and feel ready, yet (of course) nervous as the day gets closer. Will I make the cut-off? Will I forget something important? etc. etc. Now some of you are channel swimmers and will see this as a sprint, which I understand entirely (I used to see a mile open water as long distance, and now that feels quite short). Still, it's a long swim given my experience. And I'm told the course was changed slightly and will be a little longer than the 5.25 miles that it's been in the past. However, there is a current assist most of the way, so although speed isn't my claim to fame (ha, far from it), I feel that with Mother Nature's help, I can make use of such speed as I have and beat the clock. I don't care about beating the competition, not that it wouldn't be lovely to podium in my age group--however, at 63, I'm competing with other women 50 and over, so i'm not concerned about that. In the long open water swim, my coach accompanied me, and had me stop every 20 minutes for food/drink. I swam an hour 45 mins. upstream, then 59 mins. downstream (we then used the remaining time for a shorter out and back). The pace going back was, as you can guess, much faster (averaging 35 min./mile pace--okay, you may think that's pretty slow but bear with me). That's what I cling to in hoping that I can make the cut-off, when I'll have the current at my back (except, I'm told for the first 15-20. just before the tide turns). So, any thoughts, words of wisdom, well-wishes, prayers, etc. much appreciated. My own thought: I'm so grateful for the excellent coaching and support I've received. My coach has been golden in guiding me to this point (he's out of town competing himself), and my swim group has been wonderful in cheering me on. I want, of course, to make them proud, despite all the pre-race nerves. All I can do is the best I can do, and then .... God willing, it's enough! Thanks and happy swimming!
  • Well, gang--thank you for all the helpful comments and encouragement! Good news! I completed the swim today! Time was 3:41:21! Chop started about halfway--really amazing how quickly it hit. I was swimming in calm water... and suddenly I was being smacked by waves and got a bit seasick--but kept on and made it to the finish w/ time to spare! When I felt sick, I thought of people who had it much worse and whose suffering wouldn't end on reaching land. As soon as I crossed the finish line, I felt so energetic! It was a wonderful day and I even won a gift certificate in a raffle afterward! :) I absolutely LOVE the people who organize this swim. They're so warm and friendly, treat us like royalty when we finish. Just good people! If you ever want to join it, the site is Great cause too!
  • Well, gang--thank you for all the helpful comments and encouragement! Good news! I completed the swim today! Time was 3:41:21! Chop started about halfway--really amazing how quickly it hit. I was swimming in calm water... and suddenly I was being smacked by waves and got a bit seasick--but kept on and made it to the finish w/ time to spare! When I felt sick, I thought of people who had it much worse and whose suffering wouldn't end on reaching land. As soon as I crossed the finish line, I felt so energetic! It was a wonderful day and I even won a gift certificate in a raffle afterward! :) I absolutely LOVE the people who organize this swim. They're so warm and friendly, treat us like royalty when we finish. Just good people! If you ever want to join it, the site is Great cause too!
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