Open water motion sickness

Greetings, i tried a long open water swim in 2012. I got sea-sick! Had to pull out of the event. Does anyone else have this problem and is there a good cure? Thanks. Steve
  • Hi Steve! If you have support, have them bring along some bits of candied ginger (can find it in the spice aisle or in a cooking store) or flat ginger ale and feed it to you if/when you start to feel even a little queasy. Papaya enzyme (find health food store) can also help a queasy belly. Also, what are you doing for feeds? You might want to try out some different types of calorie drinks if what you're using has too much sugar. I had great success using UCAN before long swims and sips at 20-30 minute intervals after the first hour. This stuff keeps the blood sugar very steady (no sugar spikes like with gels or sports drinks) and I actually didn't feel hungry until the very end. Try out new stuff on your long training swims to test out new products and you may find something that stays steady in your belly. - Kari
  • Have had the same problem especially in chop/ saltwater. I had some good success with water that has a medicine dropper of ginger extract and some ginger snaps--though a sport nutritionist I consulted told me that one huge cause of my seasickness episode was dehydration and lack of electrolytes. (I will admit she has a point. I did my first five mile plus swim without stopping to drink or eat--BAD idea --although my best time on the course, so there's that.) She's urging me to do a lot of pre-swim loading of things like leafy greens, bananas, Endurolyte (a Hammer product, but maybe other co's offer similar products?). And my current coach is URGING me to drink frequently, including electrolyte drink. I still plan to have my ginger mix b/c when I did my second 5 mile swim, I didn't get seasick b/c of stopping for the ginger water. Interestingly I've been training in fresh water once a week, no prob, but I did a salt-water o.w. swim at the end of June and had a little queasiness at the end. (No stops, since it was only 2k.) We'll see. My 3rd 5 miler is 8/1.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    I get wickedly motion sick on any open water ocean swim (or when surfing/flying/scuba diving/etc). Over time I've learned to meter out chewable meclizine so it won't impact performance. I buy the 100 ct. bottle from the pharmacist for about $7 and take one the night before the activity, then take half pills as needed to top up. Works very well for me.
  • I take over the counter meds for seasickness. It doesn't seem to affect my swimming, and it sure makes it more enjoyable.
  • I started to do this survey, but as I don't wear earplugs to swim, most of the questions didn't apply. I do get seasick while swimming on occasion. Would my responses still be of any help?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    My name is Georg and I am a product design student from Sweden. I am currently conducting a study on open water swimmers and earplugs to prevent sea sickness. I have a quick survey (3-5 mins) that targets this posts specific discomfort! Would you be so kind to answer this survey and I hope i can bring a new and innovative solution to the market! Survey: Thank you!