Thoughts about the Mashpee Superswim changes?

Did the Mashpee Superswim yesterday, for what is probably the 10th time. Love the longer course. The other changes? Not sure I'm a fan. Totally changed the feeling of the event, and it felt more like a triathlon without the other elements---the energy was completely different. (Not a dig at triathletes. I love you. Some of my best friends are triathletes...) The silly podium, the flag, the timing system with that scrolling screen that was impossible to read, no age group awards and results not broken down into age groups at all so you can't see how you stack up, not enough support on the water for that distance of swim so that I almost had a few head-on collisions with folks who were waaaaaaayyyyyy off course and swimming into oncoming traffic. The age group thing really made a lot of folks mad and when I asked them if they were doing age groups for the triathlon they are running today, they said yes. Why for them and not for us swimmer folks? I'm never going to beat some 19-year-old from the Cape Cod Swim Club but I was 2nd in my age group and it would have been nice to have some recognition. There was also some bragging about how many MORE swimmers they managed to get. For me, that's generally a disincentive as I'm starting to think any swim with more than 25 people is just too darn much. :) Anyone else do it? What did you think?