
Former Member
Former Member
I will be doing my first open water swim in the James River (Richmond, VA) September 22. It is a half-Iron relay and I am terrified. My pool swims are very strong and I'm the fastest out of my group, and my 1,000 yard time trial came out to be about 16 minutes at an easy pace. Half-Iron is about 2,000 yards. My practice swims in the pool range about 2,500-3,600. If I take it easy, go slow, don't panic in the water, and conquer the mental barrier of the distance, do you think it will be doable? I think so, but my own doubt is killing me. How do you beat these mental blocks? Thanks! :)
  • When you get to the venue, if you're allowed, you should get in teh water and get a feel for hte visibility and any landmarks that you can use for sighting/keeping yourself straight. Start out in the back or on the sides and let the crazy fast people go. Give yourself a couple of seconds. You'll loose a bit of time, but you won't get run over as quickly. Also, if you get spooked, roll over on your back for a few strokes or do some *** stroke (wiht a dolphin kick if you're surrounded by a bunch of other people so you don't kick 'em) until your fear subsides, then keep going. Just remember - relentless forward motion. No matter what you to, just keep moving forward to your goal. You'll do great!! Good luck!
  • When you get to the venue, if you're allowed, you should get in teh water and get a feel for hte visibility and any landmarks that you can use for sighting/keeping yourself straight. Start out in the back or on the sides and let the crazy fast people go. Give yourself a couple of seconds. You'll loose a bit of time, but you won't get run over as quickly. Also, if you get spooked, roll over on your back for a few strokes or do some *** stroke (wiht a dolphin kick if you're surrounded by a bunch of other people so you don't kick 'em) until your fear subsides, then keep going. Just remember - relentless forward motion. No matter what you to, just keep moving forward to your goal. You'll do great!! Good luck!
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