Swimming MD / DE beaches?

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Former Member
New to swimming, been practicing with my local masters group for about 6 weeks and am slow but fairly strong. Finally have a vacation planned! When I'm at the beach, I'd like to keep up my workouts in the ocean. How do lifeguards take to fitness swimmers? Am I going to get the whistle for crossing over jetties or going out further than most? Any etiquette i should know? Thanks!
  • When I was down on the Atlantic coast of FL for business, I swam in the Atlantic daily. The beach didn't have a lifeguard, and for that matter, it being November, it was too "cold" for most. Etiquette-wise, I made sure I wore a very bright cap (red) and if there were others out there (thinking motorized craft), I waved to them to make sure they knew I was there. This became important on a particularly wavy day when a kite-surfer was out. As he got closer, I stopped swimming and yelled to him, to let him know to watch out for me. I do this same thing at my regular lake where motorboats zoom by. Bright cap and wave to them, so they know there is a swimmer in the water. Have fun! Nothing like swimming OW. No walls, no flip-turns!
  • When I was down on the Atlantic coast of FL for business, I swam in the Atlantic daily. The beach didn't have a lifeguard, and for that matter, it being November, it was too "cold" for most. Etiquette-wise, I made sure I wore a very bright cap (red) and if there were others out there (thinking motorized craft), I waved to them to make sure they knew I was there. This became important on a particularly wavy day when a kite-surfer was out. As he got closer, I stopped swimming and yelled to him, to let him know to watch out for me. I do this same thing at my regular lake where motorboats zoom by. Bright cap and wave to them, so they know there is a swimmer in the water. Have fun! Nothing like swimming OW. No walls, no flip-turns!
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