New to swimming, been practicing with my local masters group for about 6 weeks and am slow but fairly strong.
Finally have a vacation planned! When I'm at the beach, I'd like to keep up my workouts in the ocean. How do lifeguards take to fitness swimmers? Am I going to get the whistle for crossing over jetties or going out further than most?
Any etiquette i should know?
jroddin, what an experience. Glad you got a ride back!
That's kinda what I expected - I know about the jetties. I'd rather not get out to go around or swim back and forth, but I guess it's not too different than in a pool. Maybe back and forth in front of one lifeguard is a good option.
After nicely introducing myself first! And looking out for dining sharks!
jroddin, what an experience. Glad you got a ride back!
That's kinda what I expected - I know about the jetties. I'd rather not get out to go around or swim back and forth, but I guess it's not too different than in a pool. Maybe back and forth in front of one lifeguard is a good option.
After nicely introducing myself first! And looking out for dining sharks!