Has anyone here done the Swim the Suck 10 miler in Chattanooga? There is something about this race that really appeals to me and has since I learned about it last fall, which is odd because until very recently (as in last Sunday (5/19) - Pensacola 3 Mile Bridge Swim - ~3.3 miles factoring in getting to the finish area, I think) I was essentially a pool swimmer only. I really enjoyed that swim, despite the repeated mouth- and sinus-filling walls of water in my face and extremely limited sighting skills (fortunately, keeping a large bridge on my left was well within my abilities).
At this point, the earliest I could conceivably do the race would be in October 2014, but I'm wondering what sort of open water experience I should get under my belt before making a reasonable decision regarding my competence for this race. It seems to me that since this is a current-aided course it would feel a bit shorter than 10 miles. I would also think that because it's a river swim it would be less choppy than the bay experience was last week. However, it's still considerably longer than the roughly 5k swim I've done.
Former Member
when does 2014 registration open? I tried this year in 1/13 but was already full.
Don't know for sure. Sometime after the event this year, I would say after Thanksgiving but I can ask Karah.
when does 2014 registration open? I tried this year in 1/13 but was already full.
Don't know for sure. Sometime after the event this year, I would say after Thanksgiving but I can ask Karah.