10K San Francisco Bay Swim Advice

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, I'm doing a 10K swim in San Francisco this weekend (www.waterworldswim.com/.../index.html). I've never swam in the Bay before. I understand it will be cold (55 degrees) and I have a little understanding of the currents, but I am curious if anyone has any advice on how to survive the swim. I'm very comfortable swimming in open water and I'll be in a wetsuit and neoprene cap. Unfortunately based on where I live I haven't been able train in cold water, so I am sure I'll be a little uncomfortable, but if it was easy everyone would do it. Does anyone have any good intel that a San Fran novice like myself might benefit from? Thanks, Mike
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I vigorously avoid cold, open water swims. However, I have many friends who do foolish things like what you have planned. If you haven't been able to train in cold water, how much training have you done with your wetsuit? Just be certain it fits right and there aren't spots where it will rub on a long swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I vigorously avoid cold, open water swims. However, I have many friends who do foolish things like what you have planned. If you haven't been able to train in cold water, how much training have you done with your wetsuit? Just be certain it fits right and there aren't spots where it will rub on a long swim.
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