The 23rd Annual Bermuda Round the Sound Swims
Sunday October 13th 2013
10K, 7.25K, 4K, 2K, 0.8K
Information & the Entry Forms are posted CLICK HERE
Rich in history Bermuda lies in an astoundingly beautiful stretch of the Atlantic a mere 650 miles east of North Carolina. Flights from New York and other eastern US cities reach Bermuda’s shores in less than two hours. The open water swimming events take place in beautiful Harrington Sound. Bermuda’s water temperature in October averages 78.
Since inception the Round the Sound Swim has raised over $300,000 for local Bermuda charities, as well as provided a great reason to swim in Bermuda.
Come for the swim – and enjoy all Bermuda has to offer:
- horseback riding on the beaches
- walk on a moonlit beach
- diving the shipwrecks for treasure
- snorkeling/swimming over beautiful reefs
- golf overlooking the Atlantic Ocean
- you can wear Bermuda shorts and fit in
- enjoy a Rum Swizzle at the Swizzle Inn
- world class shopping & restaurants
- cross the world's smallest drawbridge (a foot long!)
- the post race karaoke and social
- swim inside a cave/grotto at The Grotto Bay Beach Resort
- enjoy another Rum Swizzle