Call of nature in open water

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Former Member
I've ahd this question for a long time and now I se it being address for runners at least, in the NYT I've been lucky that I've always been able to finish the 2.25 mile "race" I do without it being an issue. One year I was in the porta potty for the official start. Another year, I found a bathroom immediately after coming out of the water. I swam kinda fast that last quarter mile or so, too! I prep at bit before hand - I usually eat high fiber cereal and fruit for breakfast, but on the race day, low fiber cereal and maybe a banana for fruit. Still I'm a bit concerned on how to handle the inevitable. Do you just drop your drawers and not worry that there are people swimming after you in the race? Ewww! Would I explain to my kayaker what I was doing? Some kind of plastic cleanup bag? Nothing seems like good solution. I imagine that in a marathon, it's more likely than not I would need to deal with this.
  • :blush:Avoid fiber so it sinks
  • I assume you are asking about bowel movements and not urination. If so, then my initial reaction is that if you can’t go an hour between BM’s (a fair time for a 2.25 mile swim) then you have more serious issues then how to handle the inevitable. As for marathon swims, unless you screw up your feedings you should be good for 10-12 hours if you go before the start. And unless you are in a professional marathon race, the swimmers are typically pretty well spread out after a couple of hours. If you do screw up your feedings (such as to many calories and not enough water) then your options are rather limited, you do what you got to do. I would not suggest trying to bag your leavings.
  • I’ve done a dozen or so 25K or longer swims and I’ve only had “issues” in one race and that was because I tried to compensate for lack of training with an overabundance of calories. Bad decision! Thank goodness for murky water and a headwind. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but for all the other races I’ve never had a problem and a lot of these have been 10+ hour swims. My best advice is if you have concerns about any aspect of a swim, then in your training simulate your racing conditions; do a 3 hour swim, feeding as you would in the race and if you have “issues” then in training find ways to mitigate them so you don’t have problems come race day.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    I assume you are asking about bowel movements and not urination. If so, then my initial reaction is that if you can’t go an hour between BM’s (a fair time for a 2.25 mile swim) then you have more serious issues then how to handle the inevitable. I haven't had a problem with 2.25 miles, over the 5 or 6 times I've done it. On the other hand, I've yet to break 90 minutes, and at age 59, I don't ever expect to break an hour. I'm thinking of increasing, and doing some 5 k's and maybe 10 k's. I imagine it will be an issue.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    take care of business before the swim. if you don't know how to make that happen... consult your doctor, pharmacist, fire dept, god.... whomever.
  • When we pass out "joy juice" at work, we remind folks to take it easy on solid foods before their procedure. If you down a NY strip steak the night before the swim, well ... :notworking: Besides, the deer and antelope have already "played" in that body of water before you got there! :bolt:
  • Easy Peasy!! No one, not even your kayaker knows what you're doing in the murky water so just do whatever your conscious allows you to do. End of story.
  • Imodium A-D 30 minutes prior to the start!
  • I've struggled with this twice. In one instance, it was part of the reason I stopped. I just can't seem to go without standing on something; my insides were totally knotted. Second time I had to head for shallow water so I could stand. So sorry no answers, but it is something i think about for long swims.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    Sooner or later, this subject would come up. Just as a point of info, India sewer workers actually swim in it: Probably the dirtiest job in the world! - YouTube Same goes for swiiming in the the Ganges River: Ganges River - Pollution - YouTube They must have a strong immune system!!! D2