At 6 a.m. on Saturday, September 22, 2012, 48-year-old Salvatore Cimmino, a disabled marathon swimmer from Rome, Italy, will leave from the University of Massachusetts, Boston docks to begin an attempt to complete a 25-kilometer swim around Boston Harbor. Cimmino became the first disabled athlete to successfully swim across the Cook Strait, and was subsequently nominated for the 2011 World Open Water Swimming Man of the Year Award.
His Cook Strait crossing and this new Boston Harbor Swim are both part of his multi-stop world swimming tour, “Swimming in the Seas of the Globe, A Nuoto Nei Mari del Globo,” which he is conducting to promote disability awareness.
I will be on board the escort boat and will post his progress on Twitter @MassOWS and @BostonLightSwim
Hash tags: #CimminoSwim #Boston25K
What an impressive feat to attempt such a swim, and how lucky you are to get to assist this man with his journey. I wish good luck in his endeavour to swim the globe :).
Such an amazing feat to accomplish! I think the message he is sending sets a good example for all those with and without disabilities that all things can be accomplished if you train hard enough and believe in yourself. Such an amazing person to do what he does :angel:.