Water Temp v wetsuit

Tried my new wetsuit out at the Y. Water temp around 80. Works very well, but too warm to do much of a workout. Question: What water temp would be the line for wetsuit or no wetsuit? Is there a temp set by the event?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    What she said. Listen to the Chicken. Of course it's a crutch! Unless wearing a wetsuit is inherently pleasurable - which I doubt even the most enthusiastic wetsuit proponents believe - then it logically follows that it is a crutch. Why do people wear wetsuits? Why do they spend the money to buy them, or take the time to put them on, or put up with the chaffing they cause? Because they think the water is too cold, or because they think it will make them faster. Looks like a crutch... walks like a crutch... smells like a crutch.... Why did I wear a wetsuit in triathlons? The same reason I bought a tri TT bike. It's legal and faster. Have I ever worn a wetsuit in an open water race or swim? No, but I did wear a speed suit once. Why not? It surely isn't because I like to swim in cold water. I like 68 to 74. I only swim in cold water because the places I want to swim have cold water. It's the same reason why I would go out into the Alaskan wilderness in sub zero weather. It just happened to be that cold when I wanted to go. I would have enjoyed it more in the 15 to 25 Frankly I think water temperature is arbitrary. Records for Catalina show that you can find 60 degrees one summer, but 72 on another. Is there anything wrong with waiting for a year when the water is warm? If it is a warm year, should you wait until it gets cold? As for training for cold water, I think it is primarily mental, until your in 60 degree water for 10 hours, give or take. I did absolutely no training outside a 83 degree pool before swimming in the SF Bay at 59 for 5 1/2 hours. And outside of that swim I did no swimming out of that same pool leading up to Catalina at 65 to 66 , not,counting the 5 degree drop near the mainland. I guess I don't wear a wetsuit in an open water swim because . . . Not really sure now that I think about it. It isn't because the cause irritation. A high end suit that fits you well is hardly noticeable at the start, and not at all after that. I guess I don't wear one because of peer pressure, but that means I'll never do a swim in Alaska.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 12 years ago
    What she said. Listen to the Chicken. Of course it's a crutch! Unless wearing a wetsuit is inherently pleasurable - which I doubt even the most enthusiastic wetsuit proponents believe - then it logically follows that it is a crutch. Why do people wear wetsuits? Why do they spend the money to buy them, or take the time to put them on, or put up with the chaffing they cause? Because they think the water is too cold, or because they think it will make them faster. Looks like a crutch... walks like a crutch... smells like a crutch.... Why did I wear a wetsuit in triathlons? The same reason I bought a tri TT bike. It's legal and faster. Have I ever worn a wetsuit in an open water race or swim? No, but I did wear a speed suit once. Why not? It surely isn't because I like to swim in cold water. I like 68 to 74. I only swim in cold water because the places I want to swim have cold water. It's the same reason why I would go out into the Alaskan wilderness in sub zero weather. It just happened to be that cold when I wanted to go. I would have enjoyed it more in the 15 to 25 Frankly I think water temperature is arbitrary. Records for Catalina show that you can find 60 degrees one summer, but 72 on another. Is there anything wrong with waiting for a year when the water is warm? If it is a warm year, should you wait until it gets cold? As for training for cold water, I think it is primarily mental, until your in 60 degree water for 10 hours, give or take. I did absolutely no training outside a 83 degree pool before swimming in the SF Bay at 59 for 5 1/2 hours. And outside of that swim I did no swimming out of that same pool leading up to Catalina at 65 to 66 , not,counting the 5 degree drop near the mainland. I guess I don't wear a wetsuit in an open water swim because . . . Not really sure now that I think about it. It isn't because the cause irritation. A high end suit that fits you well is hardly noticeable at the start, and not at all after that. I guess I don't wear one because of peer pressure, but that means I'll never do a swim in Alaska.
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