Considering open water swimming...

Former Member
Former Member
I am considering Round the Sound for my first open water swim. Of course I've swum in lakes and creeks and the ocean before, but not like this. The only "competitive" swimming for me has been in a pool. Is there anything I can do to get ready by swimming in a pool?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Good advice. I learned early on not to follow anyone. I swim my race at my pace going in the direction my experience tells me. This minimizes the distractions and allows me to focus on my stroke and breathing. At the start, I'm the one on the side swinging wide; better to swim a little further than having to screw up your stroke and breathing fighting for position. To be sure, experience is the best teacher. Have fun learning.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Good advice. I learned early on not to follow anyone. I swim my race at my pace going in the direction my experience tells me. This minimizes the distractions and allows me to focus on my stroke and breathing. At the start, I'm the one on the side swinging wide; better to swim a little further than having to screw up your stroke and breathing fighting for position. To be sure, experience is the best teacher. Have fun learning.
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