Recommended Goggles?

Former Member
Former Member
What provides the best view for open water swimming? It seems the smoke and amber goggles I've tried haven't provided enough contrast during partly cloudy conditions of open water events. The amber lens actually seemed to make the buoys blend into the surroundings. The anti-fog feature of my new amber goggles also performed poorly too. I'm ready to try the "swim mask" that a swim goggle and suit company offer. Is there any advice anyone could share on this subject?
  • I always wear a mirrored pair of goggles which help to cut the glare and which I find give a little better contrast. That is a personal preference issue. What I think is a necessity, however, is to wear some goggles with a good strong fit, and with some rubber around the lense so that it can easily be adjusted with a single hand and has a firmer fit than, for example, swedish goggles. Even if you like going for a real small goggle in a pool race, in an ocean, you want some goggles that are going to resist being knocked off. Finally, do some workout swimming without goggles so that you don't panic if you lose them in a race. At Tiburon last year I lost my goggles almost immediately at the start of the race. I had prepared and went ahead and swam the race without them.
  • I always wear a mirrored pair of goggles which help to cut the glare and which I find give a little better contrast. That is a personal preference issue. What I think is a necessity, however, is to wear some goggles with a good strong fit, and with some rubber around the lense so that it can easily be adjusted with a single hand and has a firmer fit than, for example, swedish goggles. Even if you like going for a real small goggle in a pool race, in an ocean, you want some goggles that are going to resist being knocked off. Finally, do some workout swimming without goggles so that you don't panic if you lose them in a race. At Tiburon last year I lost my goggles almost immediately at the start of the race. I had prepared and went ahead and swam the race without them.
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