Hey- can anyone out there recommend workouts for a mile open water swim?
Former Member
U352 -
I have no doubt that you can make it based on your training. Admittedly, if the Bay swim is your first, I might have suggested something a little shorter, but you are fine. The thing that you need to remember is to R-E-L-A-X and don't get caught up in the details. Just swim and keep swimming, take a moment here and there to enjoy the view and when you finish you'll have earned some goodie/treat (ice cream, beer, whatever - indulge!). The only information that I would be certain to get before the start of the race, is the direction and expected speed of the tide as it can sweep you under the bridge span if you are on the wrong side. They usually announce this over the loudspeaker before the race.
Pace it, don't race it!
U352 -
I have no doubt that you can make it based on your training. Admittedly, if the Bay swim is your first, I might have suggested something a little shorter, but you are fine. The thing that you need to remember is to R-E-L-A-X and don't get caught up in the details. Just swim and keep swimming, take a moment here and there to enjoy the view and when you finish you'll have earned some goodie/treat (ice cream, beer, whatever - indulge!). The only information that I would be certain to get before the start of the race, is the direction and expected speed of the tide as it can sweep you under the bridge span if you are on the wrong side. They usually announce this over the loudspeaker before the race.
Pace it, don't race it!