For the longest time I have said I will do an open water event after I have properly trained. I have come to realize that I will never be “properly trained” because I never seem to stay in the water. My friend said, “Just bullet sign up – I’m sure you will train then.” So I did, and I have began training, if anything from pure fear of failing. I have to admit it is very exiting and very, very challenging.
The event is the Jim McDonnell Lake Swim in Reston, VA, this May. If anyone has any experience and advice, I openly welcome it. Also, I have a question about a “cable swim” – what is it?
Thanks for the input, Wayner.
Former Member
The 1995 Reston 2 mile race was my very first open water race (or race of any kind) and I had only learned how to swim a year before. Someone dropped the metal foot of a picnic bench on my foot right before the race. I got a small fishhook in my foot while wading out to the in-water start. My goggles leaked throughout. I got my foot tangled up in a buoy rope. I got kicked so hard that I lowered the lake level by an inch due to the water I swallowed. So.... I'd say do the 2 mile if you feel you'd like it - you can't be any less prepared or have much worse luck than I did and I finished it. (Albeit SLOWLY).
The 1995 Reston 2 mile race was my very first open water race (or race of any kind) and I had only learned how to swim a year before. Someone dropped the metal foot of a picnic bench on my foot right before the race. I got a small fishhook in my foot while wading out to the in-water start. My goggles leaked throughout. I got my foot tangled up in a buoy rope. I got kicked so hard that I lowered the lake level by an inch due to the water I swallowed. So.... I'd say do the 2 mile if you feel you'd like it - you can't be any less prepared or have much worse luck than I did and I finished it. (Albeit SLOWLY).