Information and the bid application form for the
2004 Long Distance National Championship events are now available -contact LD Chair Peter Crumbine via email (contact info follows) for the form. We encourage all interested
organizations to bid, particularly if this would be the first time hosting a national championship.
Please fill out the form as completely as possible, including dates for the event if available. All three pages of the bid form should be in my hands no later than August 11. Email submissions are strongly encouraged to facilitate distribution to the Long Distance Committee. Attached files should be in either word processor or PDF format. Site/host selection for the 2004 events will occur at the USMS Convention September 11-15 in Dallas/Ft. Worth, but committee review will take place prior to convention.
Selection will be based on the suitability of the bid received, the area in which the event is to be held, and the timeliness of the submission. Untimely bids (those received after August 11, 2002) will not be considered if a timely bid is received for the same event. Bid presentations are not necessary, but it is recommended that a representative be present at
convention to answer any questions that the committee might have.
Out-of-area bids will not be considered if there are qualified in-area bids, but this is often not the case. The last page of the bid form contains the area system for the years 2004-2005. Note that postal events are not subject to area restrictions. You may use one form to bid for more than one postal
event, but you should use a different form for each open water event on which you choose to bid.
The current USMS long distance calendar may be accessed at: You may add long distance events to
the calendar by filling out the form at:
Peter Crumbine
USMS Long Distance Chairman
3 Copper Beech Rd.
Greenwich, CT 06830
203-355-5023 (Day)
203-355-6011 (Fax)