Swim Stories

Please share your true swimming stories of remarkable feats, inspiring, interesting or unsual. Today Sat Jan 22nd, 2010 at the end of my blog I retold a story I heard UT Men's assistant coach tell the mens team this morning. Please share yours. I look forward to reading them. Let's gather round the fire and be amazed. Swim Faster Faster, Ande
  • Was on business in Newport News and was excited about swimming at the gym pool next door. It was 25 meters but 88 degrees with a ton of noodlers. Somone told me about a better pool one mile away. I checked it out and it was an awesome facility with a 50m pool at the proper 80 degrees. There were two teams sharing it and they looked serious. One team was the Coast Guard team and the other ?? Anyway, after swimming I was telling someone in the locker room how awesome the pool was and he agreed. He went on to tell me how Katie Hoff and Dave Walters swam here. He told me he knows Dave Walters like family. We had a nice chat. That was my brush with Olympic swimmers once removed.
  • Was on business in Newport News and was excited about swimming at the gym pool next door. It was 25 meters but 88 degrees with a ton of noodlers. Somone told me about a better pool one mile away. I checked it out and it was an awesome facility with a 50m pool at the proper 80 degrees. There were two teams sharing it and they looked serious. One team was the Coast Guard team and the other ?? Anyway, after swimming I was telling someone in the locker room how awesome the pool was and he agreed. He went on to tell me how Katie Hoff and Dave Walters swam here. He told me he knows Dave Walters like family. We had a nice chat. That was my brush with Olympic swimmers once removed.
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