Swimming history - flip turns and goggles

Former Member
Former Member
Does anyone remember: When were flip turns in free style invented/introduced in competitive swimming? When did goggles become 'standard equipment' for swimmers? Thanks!
  • I didn't get into masters swimming until 2005, but I would swim laps on and off, through the 70s and 80s, not wearing goggles. But one day, a friend lent me a pair, suggested I try them. I wasn't too eager b/c it seemed as if they'd feel constricting, and I liked the freedom of not wearing them. But that viewpoint changed the moment I put them on and noticed how much easier it was to see who was in my lane, and thus not be so distracted swimming. Ever since, I've always worn goggles to swim. My sister was on a swim team in the 1960s at our Y, but I don't remember if she or her teammates did flip turns. Now it seems as if every kid on a swim team is expected to learn them--I occasionally watch the kids' practice after I'm done w/ my workout, and they pretty much all do flip turns. (And I envy them learning early b/c I still find them a struggle, never seem to get comfortable doing them.)
  • I didn't get into masters swimming until 2005, but I would swim laps on and off, through the 70s and 80s, not wearing goggles. But one day, a friend lent me a pair, suggested I try them. I wasn't too eager b/c it seemed as if they'd feel constricting, and I liked the freedom of not wearing them. But that viewpoint changed the moment I put them on and noticed how much easier it was to see who was in my lane, and thus not be so distracted swimming. Ever since, I've always worn goggles to swim. My sister was on a swim team in the 1960s at our Y, but I don't remember if she or her teammates did flip turns. Now it seems as if every kid on a swim team is expected to learn them--I occasionally watch the kids' practice after I'm done w/ my workout, and they pretty much all do flip turns. (And I envy them learning early b/c I still find them a struggle, never seem to get comfortable doing them.)
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