Swimming history - flip turns and goggles

Former Member
Former Member
Does anyone remember: When were flip turns in free style invented/introduced in competitive swimming? When did goggles become 'standard equipment' for swimmers? Thanks!
  • This would be a good place to ask when was it approved to allow the head going under water during breaststroke? p 1986. It was also allowed to recover your hands over the surface then(forearms too,not elbows). The hand rule seemed like it would be useful,but it really doesn't make much difference unless you really make an effort to recover your hands over the surface,which is almost always slower.Not having to keep part of your head out of the water all the time totally changed the stroke,for the better in my opinion.
  • This would be a good place to ask when was it approved to allow the head going under water during breaststroke? p 1986. It was also allowed to recover your hands over the surface then(forearms too,not elbows). The hand rule seemed like it would be useful,but it really doesn't make much difference unless you really make an effort to recover your hands over the surface,which is almost always slower.Not having to keep part of your head out of the water all the time totally changed the stroke,for the better in my opinion.
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