Dynamic Swimwear for today's muslim female/ Burqinis

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Former Member
My husband just sent me this link. http://www.ahiida.com/ And here I am complaining about a bit of soreness from doubles. I got it easy. Looks like the burqinis cost about as much as a fastskin.
  • I find this thread really interesting, because several weeks ago a group of girls from what must have been an Islamic school came to swim at the rec center. All but one or two were covered head to toe, but they were just splashing around and not doing laps. I thought how hard it would be to actually swim with all that clothing, and whether overheating would be an issue.
  • FindingMyInnerFish, I was thinking the same thing - what awful swimsuits women had to wear back then. And men wore long suits made of wool. Can you even imagine what that must have felt like wet? I'm pretty certai that women didn't do laps in those getups. It probably wasn't considered ladylike to do much more than dip in a toe or splash around on the edge of the pond. I try not to judge how people dress at the pool because there are a lot of factors that go into their choices. As long as they don't clog the drains. Or get their hair drifting in my face. Personally, I'm glad to be able to wear whatever I want. That much clothing would bug me. Except the one guy who showed up at the rec center wearing a thong bathing suit. He was middle aged, bald, and had a big gut, and the image of his cheeks bobbing in the water haunt me still.
  • What people CHOOSE to wear swimming is one thing; when women must fear arrest, torture, even being killed for wearing something other women wear freely, another story altogether. Personally, I'm grateful to have been raised in a religious tradition that didn't require the kind of coverage these suits provide, and to be born in an era when we weren't confined to suits like these: www.victoriana.com/.../FashionableBathingSuits.htm Long open water swims would have been somewhat awkward....