Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Dara is getting knocked from preforming great times at her age. There are people doubting she is clean. Does anyone accuse someone like Rich Abrams? No, we say he is in great shape and a super talent? Why can't it be that simple for Dara? If people paid attention to her over the years, they would see that she has kept her body in AWESOME CONDITION! She hasn't been one of these couch potato,weekend warriors. She has stayed very,very fit over the years. The worst part of any accusation about her..it's coming mainly from fellow Americans. Yet, we(same fellow Americans) rip to shreds anyone...anyone that says Lance Armstrong used drugs during his run. We calm that he is a super athlete...and worked hard for his wins. Here's the deal....we live in a world where cheating is an almost accepted practice; speeding, lying on resumes, etc. etc. etc. And the fact is...whether you want to put your head in the sand and ignore it...cheating in sports on all levels is rampant and growing. Having said that...I don't know if Dara is using drugs but given the magnitude of what she has done (put it in persepctive, this isn't a masters swimmer doing a best time, this is a 3x Olympian breaking the AR at 41 a little over a year after giving birth...imagine Nolan Ryan throwing faster in his 40's than his 20's like the Washington Post article just wrote about this), take into account her relationship with Richard Quick and ties to Balco in 2000, putting on 20lbs+ of muscle in 6 months, etc. etc. All of the above REQUIRES us to look closely and question...not accuse....but really question.
  • Personally, I don't think a "personal opinion" requires evidentiary substantiation. This is a public forum where everyone expresses their personal opinions all the time. Someone could have "doubts" based solely on the uniqueness of the achievement and the seemingly universal practice of "cheating" in many sports. Not necessarily tantamount to "insinuation." That view's as equally valid as someone believing Torres is just phenomenally talented and employs superior and novel training tactics. If you're talking "personal opinion." When it comes to meets and competing, all that matters is postitive tests.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    5{!apprentice;114635] Personally I have my doubts. Why? I don't understand. Are you privy to something we aren't? Aren't people innocent until proven guilty? Please explain. Syd
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Syd any one who does well is a cheater in some of these guys minds. I believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Then many are proven guilty by false evidence. So I prefer to only believe guilt if a person pleads guilty. Many of the drug tests can give us false information. An after thought how much money is made by these drug testing organizations or is it a free source.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Here's the deal....we live in a world where cheating is an almost accepted practice; speeding, lying on resumes, etc. etc. etc. And the fact is...whether you want to put your head in the sand and ignore it...cheating in sports on all levels is rampant and growing. Having said that...I don't know if Dara is using drugs but given the magnitude of what she has done (put it in persepctive, this isn't a masters swimmer doing a best time, this is a 3x Olympian breaking the AR at 41 a little over a year after giving birth...imagine Nolan Ryan throwing faster in his 40's than his 20's like the Washington Post article just wrote about this), take into account her relationship with Richard Quick and ties to Balco in 2000, putting on 20lbs+ of muscle in 6 months, etc. etc. All of the above REQUIRES us to look closely and question...not accuse....but really question. So what is it, precisely, that you are looking closely at?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    As to muscle structure. The more you swim the better the muscle structure. No bulging muscles but long smooth and strong. At 18 my chest measurement was 44" At 30 it was 50" At 31 I finished the season with a 50" chest measurement and was very skinny weighing in at 182. I ate some bad fish in Egypt and lost weight at the end of the season. At 35 when I was in my best swimming condition it was 52". Lots of muscle and my weight was around 230lbs all season.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Hi Syd I'm not privy to any inside information just expressing my PERSONAL OPINION. Hi George What Darra is doing is more than just doing well, also I didn't say she WAS a cheater, I just expressed my doubts.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Hi Syd I'm not privy to any inside information just expressing my PERSONAL OPINION. By choosing to express your PERSONAL OPINION on this forum you made it very PUBLIC. So my question still stands: how did you form this opinion? Failing that please explain if you believe it is okay to INSINUATE under the guise of PERSONAL OPINION without SUBSTANTIATING. Syd
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 16 years ago
    Dara is getting knocked from preforming great times at her age. There are people doubting she is clean. Does anyone accuse someone like Rich Abrams? No, we say he is in great shape and a super talent? Why can't it be that simple for Dara? If people paid attention to her over the years, they would see that she has kept her body in AWESOME CONDITION! She hasn't been one of these couch potato,weekend warriors. She has stayed very,very fit over the years. The worst part of any accusation about her..it's coming mainly from fellow Americans. Yet, we(same fellow Americans) rip to shreds anyone...anyone that says Lance Armstrong used drugs during his run. We calm that he is a super athlete...and worked hard for his wins.
  • So what is it, precisely, that you are looking closely at? Continued advancement in testing, especially when we see performaces such as this along with extreme changes in body type: www.nytimes.com/.../18torres.html FYI...just recently cycling magazine had an article about HGH and dish soap. Apparently even the faintest trace of soap will eliminate any trace of abnormal readings...cheating is easy...sadly.