Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    If its homologous doping its someone elses blood, so you aren't drawing every day
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I went to Costco last week to load up on my supplement habit. As opposed to Nationals, Costco is not a place where you find a very fit crowd. LOL You have to be careful not to get killed in a stampede for a free sample of something thy're hawking. If you're ever in the CT or Westchester area areound thanksgiving or Christmas check out Stew Leonard's...People literally panic that they won't get a free sample...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    She was signing autographs last night and I can verify that she's tiny in person. The people in line behind me were commenting on it too. She's certainly fit, of course, but there's no sign of any extra 20 lbs of muscle. OK--on 'roids and appearance:As a former serious weight lifter (hence 3 degenterated discs) I spent much time with guys who were openly using "gear" in th form of pills, creams and jabs: the works...wherever and however they needed to. One of the ways to see evidence of steroid abuse is in the development of the traps. If they arc really high and look thick, that is an effect of supplement use. You cannon grown and thicken your traps like that without "dabbling." When you're off they go away...so does the power. Gains from "gear" cannot be held over the long term when you come off. Hence cycles and the need for spot checking with unannounced test. For the record the anser is no--I didn't. I like my internal organs in the shape they are meant to be and remainin within my body. I know Geek will likely be on faster than Ben Johnson got to the finish line to shoot me down on the above point but, this is what my own experience has shown me not a book or a web page. I guess you can "take it or leave it" as he put it. Dara doesn't have bulging traps, and yes I know that doesn't rule out other things. :2cents:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    And finally, I guarantee there are Masters swimmers who are juiced. It's human nature. Does this explain Geek's confrontational demeanor? :banana::wave: Jokes aside: Gull, devil's advocate time: are there things such as outlyers? HIV infected folks who don't test positive in the usual time frame? People who are given 3 months who go on living for years. It could happen, no?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    The variance in the current WR between a male and female is at least 5.15 seconds if you count Lenton's 52.99 draft 100 meter free next to Phelps in relation to Hoogie's 47.84. If you do not count the draft swim, it is greater than 5.5 seconds. If you look at the Master's WR for men 40 to 44 in the 100 meter freestyle, Rich Saeger (an Olympic Gold medalist), he is barely a second ahead of Ms. Torres. After next year it will probably be a half a second or .5. -she never won an individual medal until age 33 at the 2000 Olympics ; -she put on 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in a year before the 2000 Olympics; -she is doing lifetime bests at age 40; -she sat out 6 years from 2000 to 2006; -she attributes her post 40 success to what? White Buffalo....... you will never convince those who just want to believe. John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I'm not taking it anymore - I'm gathering up my ironman watch, pull buoy, diaper shorts, bike shoes, bike pedals, heart rate monitor, wetsuit, paddles, scuba-esque goggles, dorkle and unitard and going over the the USAT discussion forum. Peace out, fruitcakes! Oh, and my flaxseed oil, fish oil, quercetin, coq10, etc too. Get some of that! wow I just got motivation to endure the pain running causes in my lower back and get into triathalons now...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I'm not taking it anymore - I'm gathering up my ironman watch, pull buoy, diaper shorts, bike shoes, bike pedals, heart rate monitor, wetsuit, paddles, scuba-esque goggles, dorkle and unitard and going over the the USAT discussion forum. Peace out, fruitcakes! This is my favorite post in this entire thread.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    White Buffalo....... you will never convince those who just want to believe. John Smith That's probably the best summation John. Belief: in honesty and in people. Some call it naivety etc. I don't know for sure, but each are entitiled to their view. To me it's like trying to prove, iron-clad, the existence or non-existnece of a Deity. I don't know for sure, but each are entitiled to their view. We can see how easily tempers fray and acrimony arises when opposing camps try to "prove" their view is right. Debate is good...name calling, not so much.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    In the end, there's really no difference between taking performance enhancing drugs and wearing fins in a race. It's artificial.... and its cheating. Legalize drugs for athletes if you want....... just make sure you put an asterisk next to their names in the record books. John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    In the end, there's really no difference between taking performance enhancing drugs and wearing fins in a race. It's artificial.... and its cheating. Legalize drugs for athletes if you want....... just make sure you put an asterisk next to their names in the record books. John Smith The problem is someone will still try to hide it to not get an asterisk. Even "clean" bodybuilding competitions are won by a guy who got around the tests.