Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Paul Evil Smith has stated that until Dara has failed a drug test that its pointless to speculate. Paul: Check #2, #3, and your response in #4, and my response in #5 in the link below. forums.usms.org/showthread.php Fair enough...I have to admit I've changed my opinion a bit in the last year.
  • You can count on one hand the number of super elite athletes in their 40s. I can't think of an athlete competing at the highest level at this age without a cloud of suspicion. Certainly, no one in football or basketball and baseball has a lone example. There is a natural decline at that age and there are hundreds of examples of the greats falling off (Jordan, Barkley, Montana, Griffey Jr, Maddux, the list is endless). I'm not making any sort of accusation but this type of performance puts her in a completely unique category.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Skip, I answered your question. Now you answer mine. That was no answer. John Smith
  • What is "illegal" in USMS swimming? I have never seen a list of "banned substances" I guess if some are on crack or heroin, that would be illegal. It is my OPINION that many probably take HGH, roids, whatever you want to call them. That is their problem, not mine. If they beat me in a race being on that stuff good for them, but last I looked it isn't illegal, ehtics are a whole different discussion. Just curious, Sam, but why do you think that? Not that I'm surrounded by hundreds of elite masters swimmers 24/7, but offhand, I can't think of anyone that I think is taking drugs. Although I'm "skeptical" enough to suspect that some are somewhere, despite how "pathetic" GoodSmith says it would render them. Ego is omnipresent, as some girl points out. Sorry about your back!
  • Bonds is a lot like Rasmussen, there is very strong circumstantial evidence to say that he is doping, but there is nothing solid. Other than the fact he admitted to taking the "clear" and the "cream." Flax seed oil, c'mon. You wanna know how lame he is, watch the Real Sports on HBO interview with Gary Sheffield, Bonds' training partner for a while. Watch Gary stutter, shuffle, twitch and evade on the steroid and Bonds thing.
  • Fair enough...I have to admit I've changed my opinion a bit in the last year. Why? As to Geek, I also recall him saying he'd try any new hocus-pocus "potion."
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Evil One, Do tell us how Dara was able to beat your time from Stanford last year in the 100m free yesterday....... :-) John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Evil One, I propose a modern day Billy Jean King...vs.. Bobby Riggs match up between you and Dara in the 100m free. It's the perfect male vs. female match up. I'll sell the tickets..... and laugh at your stroke the last 10 meters... :-) You can't let a girl beat you now. John Smith
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Wow...this thread is a very interesting read. For me, I'm perfectly happy to give Torres the benefit of the doubt given her long track record of achievement combined with the fact that she has never tested positive for any banned substance. My reasons are twofold: (1) Her story inspires me, and I don't want to deprive myself of that inspiration. Now, if there is clearcut evidence that she's doping, then I'll immediately change my view of her accordingly. But, if the best evidence is "C'mon, what are the odds she can swim that well?" - well, I'd like to believe she can swim that well - therein lies the inspiration! :) Am I drinking the Kool Aid - maybe. Even if I am, though - what harm is done? The only consequence is that I will have pushed myself further (and in my case, returned to swimming at all) because I believed her story. I think I can live with that consequence. (2) With all things being equal, I'd rather give an athlete the benefit of the doubt that their achievement is the result of profitable hard work. It seems much worse to me to wrongly suspect an athlete of cheating... if Torres, or anyone else, is found to be doping, then there will be plenty of time to retract the benefit of the doubt. That said, I also don't really care what anyone else thinks. I have no problem with people who want to be more suspicious or pessimistic. BTW: am I the only one who would be perfectly happy with some Olympic relay golds? I think I'd see that as a reasonable indicator of swimming success, myself. ;)
  • Instead of the criticism why don’t we all congratulate her. Because some of us don't fancy being taken for suckers. The whole business has an odor of the sea about it. No one has any proof one way or the other and in all likleyhood never will, so if you want to be Pollyannaish about it, fine--I am pretty sure that worked out for Pollyanna too. I am however intrigued by that impulse, since DRUGS! was pretty much my first thought on the matter. I find the entire thing implausible.