Dara Torres-Amazing

Former Member
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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Every so often a legendary athlete will appear and do the unthinkable. To argue the opposite side of the coin, a few questions come to mind...If a female athlete were on the juice... Wouldn't she have noticeably larger muscles? And wouldn't her voice get deeper? Or is a sports enhancing drug basically just used for recovery ...which allows an older athlete the ability to train as hard as a 20 year old? Past history of this abuse conjures imagery of the Amazonian East Germans with broad shoulder and hulking triceps. Wouldn't it be physically apparent that a doper is doping? Maybe not. This article (pre-Sydney Olympiad) changed my perspective ever so slightly...Apparently some athletes have legally enhanced their performances...including Ms. Torres. www.athleticscholarships.net/performance-enhancing-drugs-swimming.htm
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Every so often a legendary athlete will appear and do the unthinkable. To argue the opposite side of the coin, a few questions come to mind...If a female athlete were on the juice... Wouldn't she have noticeably larger muscles? And wouldn't her voice get deeper? Or is a sports enhancing drug basically just used for recovery ...which allows an older athlete the ability to train as hard as a 20 year old? Past history of this abuse conjures imagery of the Amazonian East Germans with broad shoulder and hulking triceps. Wouldn't it be physically apparent that a doper is doping? Maybe not. This article (pre-Sydney Olympiad) changed my perspective ever so slightly...Apparently some athletes have legally enhanced their performances...including Ms. Torres. www.athleticscholarships.net/performance-enhancing-drugs-swimming.htm
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