Dara Torres-Amazing

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Former Member
Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • I think the strongest (circumstantial) argument against Dara doping is that she would likely to have been doing so while pregnant. I can't imagine any woman conciously endangering the health of her yet-to-be-born child that way. Skip Montanaro I dunno about that. Plenty of women smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating crap and exposed to god knows what else during pregnancy. I'm sure she has ample supervision by physicians during practically every waking moment. Who knows? I think the blogger marshaled some interesting theories, which I hope aren't true. (Except that bit about his back, as (S)he-Man so ably pointed out. Clueless male!) The bit about the comparative failure of Spitz's attempted comeback was interesting. Rocket fuel or not, it's still amazing swimming on her part. I just can't help but be a little cynical. And now I see that some_girl won't think I'm charming ... As for drug testing at Nats, am I missing something, or don't drug cheats cycle off the drugs in time to avoid positive tests? (Barry Bonds? There's solid evidence against him. Give it up! I wish he'd sit down.)
  • I think the strongest (circumstantial) argument against Dara doping is that she would likely to have been doing so while pregnant. I can't imagine any woman conciously endangering the health of her yet-to-be-born child that way. Skip Montanaro I dunno about that. Plenty of women smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating crap and exposed to god knows what else during pregnancy. I'm sure she has ample supervision by physicians during practically every waking moment. Who knows? I think the blogger marshaled some interesting theories, which I hope aren't true. (Except that bit about his back, as (S)he-Man so ably pointed out. Clueless male!) The bit about the comparative failure of Spitz's attempted comeback was interesting. Rocket fuel or not, it's still amazing swimming on her part. I just can't help but be a little cynical. And now I see that some_girl won't think I'm charming ... As for drug testing at Nats, am I missing something, or don't drug cheats cycle off the drugs in time to avoid positive tests? (Barry Bonds? There's solid evidence against him. Give it up! I wish he'd sit down.)
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