Swim Rant

here you go, the thread you've been waiting for SWIM RANT RANT to your hearts content about aspects of SWIMMING and SWIMMERS that bug YOU I encourage you to be good natured and hilarious you may find it cathartic Ande
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Yesterday morning, due to a meeting at work, I had to swim on my own at one of our city's other rec centers and not with my Masters group. I get out on the deck a few minutes after 6, get a kickboard and bouy, and set it down in the only open lane left. Just as I was getting ready to jump in, a guy asks if I could move and swim in the next lane over, where another person was swimming, letting the person that he was with to have the lane to himself. I then asked if it was a private lesson and when he said no, I refused to give up the lane. I then go on with my workout and less than 5-10 minutes in had another person in the lane with me. At the conclusion of my swim, has a conversation with the lifeguard on duty about it. Apparently one guy is training the other and they are funky about having to share lanes with other people. If that's the case, don't come at 6am!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Yesterday morning, due to a meeting at work, I had to swim on my own at one of our city's other rec centers and not with my Masters group. I get out on the deck a few minutes after 6, get a kickboard and bouy, and set it down in the only open lane left. Just as I was getting ready to jump in, a guy asks if I could move and swim in the next lane over, where another person was swimming, letting the person that he was with to have the lane to himself. I then asked if it was a private lesson and when he said no, I refused to give up the lane. I then go on with my workout and less than 5-10 minutes in had another person in the lane with me. At the conclusion of my swim, has a conversation with the lifeguard on duty about it. Apparently one guy is training the other and they are funky about having to share lanes with other people. If that's the case, don't come at 6am!
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