I am slow, and when I mean slow, I mean slow. I can do a 26 sec 50 with fins, but without I come in just under 1:20! I think a big part of it is just taking the fins off and doing a lot of kick sets to learn to feel the water better with my feet. I have a good breaststroke kick so I don't think my problem is an overly weak pair of legs, although they could be in better shape. Also, myankles are fairly flexible as I can point my toes and make my feet bend backwards past an even position with my shins. However, I do think that I need to loosen up my ankles when I kick. I feel like I get more out of my kick for those brief moments when I allow my ankles to snap back and forth with my kick. I think I actually need to relax more to kick faster as weird as that sounds.
I suppose the answer to my question is that I simply need to take of the fins and do kick set after kick set until I learn to feel the water better with my feet and become more efficient.
thanks Ande,
still working on the timer thing.
for rest i just swim down easy until i lose the "tingly" lactic feeling(maybe 100-300yds) then stop at the wal for 30-60sec and go again.
order so far is short to long. i will mix it up next time.
Hey Steve,
Congratulations, you're making remarkable improvements.
at some point you are going to hit the wall and improvements will decrease or stop. You just need to hitting the wall, over and over and over & just train through it. Also use a watch and get timed to 10ths of a second.
Remember hand times have some degree of timer error
if your stopwatch is water proof you can hold it in your hand but
it is better to have a timer, ask someone to time you.
When to press start?
I prefer to start the timer when my feet leave the wall.
If I have starting blocks I prefer to start from my timers GO
Timer BEEPS or says GO & starts the watch.
I have to react to it.
How are you supposed to hold the board?
hands up front,
6 - 10 inches apart,
fingers gripped on front of board
palms down
Friday Dec 18
50 flutter kick
from a dive
with a board
went 27
also did several 28's
The 00:00.00 stopwatch timing is for breaking through tough areas with little of no improvement, right?
If so, I think I'm there now after a month. Thanks for the challenge, still more to improve.
Buying a good stopwatch today to get through the 19 -18 second area.
I'm probably going to do fast flutter kicking in every practice
instead of 25's I'll do fast 50's 75's & 100's
if it's truly all out you don't need to do much
100 - 500 yards of all out kicking is plenty per practice
how many yds of sprint flutter kick do you typically do in a kick session and how many sessions per week?
Ande -
A question about the board... (or maybe two)
You said you hold the board at the top, palms down (so I am assuming your forearms are on top of the board?). Is the board on top of the water or submerged?
I have been practicing with the same relative arm position as you, only keeping the board submerged a few inches so my forearms are about an inch below the surface, more aligned with where they would be if I was kicking sans board. It helps prevent shoulder strain for me on long kick sets, and it is easier to get my head neutral when not breathing.
I would be interested in yourt thoughts on this practice.
I have been practicing with the same relative arm position as you, only keeping the board submerged a few inches so my forearms are about an inch below the surface, more aligned with where they would be if I was kicking sans board. It helps prevent shoulder strain for me on long kick sets, and it is easier to get my head neutral when not breathing.
I have found that the boards I'm using at my YMCA naturally submerge like you describe when I kick hard and fast.