Sprint Coaches - where are you - I need help ??

Here is the question for me right now - turnover rate OR distance per stroke ? Here is the "story" -- I was always good at distance per stroke, but I want to focus on speed and sprints so I have been working to up my turnover - going max speed my stroke per minute or turnover rate is 58-60 .. hard to keep for full 25 ... its is max I have. But I did notice that I would get close to that in 100 pace swim where I probably go more or longer distance per stroke -- so now I did a test. 8x25 all out every 6 minutes - did this 2x .... always altered between max turnover swims - they were always 58sh -- and long stroke swim at 48 turnover rate --- and I always swam same times - 12.5 seconds flip turn to flip turn (easier for me to video and time)  - all same time - either way - they were all MAX effort regardless -- just used better catch on the 48 turnover swims - but still max effort. Also on the high turnover swims I used 2-3 extra strokes for the 25 -- makes sense ....  so the goal is easy - swim close or at 58 turnover but use close to distance per stroke from the "long catch swims" --- 

So - long question - which way to train --- train at the high turnover rate and try to slowly lengthen distance per stroke while keeping rate same --- OR use the long stroke and just keep tryin to up turnover to 49 then 50 and so on ... no tools or toys yet -- that will be part of this eventually but for now just simple good sprint swimming. 

Yep - my way to keep myself entertained in the pool :)