My new sport - track swimmer ... just like track cycling - they stay faster MUCH longer than us swimmers - WHY ???

This is part of my Sprint Journey mission - I have looked into running to see how they train - but then also into a sport where you do not carry your own weight and see how they train and compete and how they compete at an older age - my conclusion -  almost all SWIMMERS train like road cyclists -- or open water swimmers - when we should all train like track cyclists if we compete in "track swimming" as in a pool !! My proof - and yes there are differences in what you need to stay "fast" for swimming vs cycling but the times these folks post are mind numbing for us swimmers !!

Sprint record - 10sec event  65y old is 1.2s slower than 30-50 year olds which btw all have same record - a 50y old is same speed as a 30y old !!!

500m time trial - similar to 75 Free - they lower the distance as people age which I am sure people think is st....d  - but 40y old record is 32,9 vs 60 year is 33.9 --- only 1 second slower !!!

1hr time trial - big event - no difference between age 30 and 50 !!!

Link to records NOT a trick or spam link :)

Another obvious thing - almost all them records are set within last 5 years for cycling .... I think I know the main reason but lets see what others think too ...

  • Got a pretty good idea how swimmers train - trained wtih "all of them..." it has switched for elite ... college over last 10 years - but nowhere else ... a sprint workout is 4-8x something to the max with at least 5 min break in between - not easy 200 endurance pace - real break and I doubt anybody does this regularly ...