how to go underwater

In my swimming class, our coach asked us to go three feet underwater with streamline and dolphin kick, then go above water, then go three feet underwater, then above water..... I found it hard to go underwater. I could swim three strokes(not butterfly), however, I just cannot swim as the coach asked. I felt my body float back to the surface of the water. can anyone share some instructions/ articles/ advices? Thanks a lot. 

  • I'm guessing you are not tucking your head, and pinching your ears with your shoulders for starters.  I'd also suggest you initiate your dolphin kick with your core, to be sure you are getting enough power.  If you are literally "floating" back to the surface, you are not going nearly as fast as you are capable of.  Think of your body like your hand sticking out of a car window.  You angle it slightly and the wind pushes it whichever way it is pointed.  Having a proper streamline will help point your body down, and a proper kick will ensure you are going fast enough to have the water push down enough to counter any buoyancy.

  • thank you very much!

  • Don't hold too much air in your lungs which floats you upw3ards. I usually only hold half a deep breath when going underwater.