Falling asleep while swimming

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Former Member
Last night during workout we were doing a long hard set and I was tired and trying to hang on when I found my eyelids drooping :o This happened a couple times and then I had the distinct sensation of suddenly waking up :eek:, looking at the lines on the bottom of the pool and realizing that I was swimming. Has this happened to others? Luckily it's time to start my taper...
  • Originally posted by thisgirl13 I've only bonked twice in practice, and tonight was one of them. I hate it. Truly, it's one of the very few things I can't stand. I got out of the pool, went down to the steam room, took my inhaler (for prevention purposes) and meditated until I couldn't take the heat anymore. Grr. Seems to me that you would do better to get some carbohydrates in you to alleviate the liver glycogen depletion rathenr than sitting in the steam room. I don't see what the steam will accomplish. As tot he original question, I do get sleepy during swims sometimes, most often associated with low blood sugar. I also caught myself sleeping during the run of an ironman race. That was a first, I associate it also to glycogen depletion but also general mental fatigue at that point.
  • Originally posted by thisgirl13 I've only bonked twice in practice, and tonight was one of them. I hate it. Truly, it's one of the very few things I can't stand. I got out of the pool, went down to the steam room, took my inhaler (for prevention purposes) and meditated until I couldn't take the heat anymore. Grr. Seems to me that you would do better to get some carbohydrates in you to alleviate the liver glycogen depletion rathenr than sitting in the steam room. I don't see what the steam will accomplish. As tot he original question, I do get sleepy during swims sometimes, most often associated with low blood sugar. I also caught myself sleeping during the run of an ironman race. That was a first, I associate it also to glycogen depletion but also general mental fatigue at that point.
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