Recognition for NQTs

If you get the fastest time in the nation in an event you get recognized and listed as an All American. If you get the 10 fastest time or faster in the nation you get recognized and listed as a Top 10 swimmer. For many Master swimmers getting an NQT is a goal and an accomplishment. The only recognition for that now is that you get to swim extra events at Nationals, but as it stands now you get to swim those extra events at Nationals if you only think that you can get an NQT time. I propose that if you achieve an NQT time it is recognized by USMS on a list just like the top 10 times. Since this is a set time , you can know that you achieved it at the time of the meet instead of waiting till much later to see if you achieved Top 10 or All American. I know this will add more work for already overworked volunteers and staff, but I hope that helping more people get recognized for achieving a goal would be worth it. What does everyone think?

  • I like this idea, too, Allen!  It has been awhile since I made NQT's, but it was a big deal to me when I did.

  • Speaking of NQT's, noticed something weird.  Most of them in my age group are slower than the age group ahead of mine (I'll be 49 for the next one, but 50-54 times are harder!).  They also seemed to get slower.  I checked a few years ago, and the 100 Fly was my most likely event at 1:03.99.  I think that was 2019.  A little slower in 2020, at 1:04.40.  2023 is 1:08.59.  Looking at the new times, there are several events that look within reach for 2023 that weren't in 2020.  500 Free is nuts.  Was 5:48.61, now is 6:10.64.  I've done a 1650 in 21:19 in a practice.  2023 is was 20:47.  200 Free is 2:14.56, it was 2:05.46.  Even teh 50 free is a 27.29, rather than a 26.15.

    Has USMS changed how they determine NQT's?  These new times are so much slower.  I thought I might be able to squeak out one or two a few years ago, but now, even not conditioned for the pool, I see several that are in reach.  Are they trying to improve attendance?

  • There was a post on another thread that NQTs would be determined the same way using the last 3 years of top tens even though hardly anyone got times in 2020

  • Well now I wish I had been swimming the past 2.5 years! And yea, 50-54 is a tough age group. Folks that age seem to have more time to train than those in the younger age groups. Fewer parental duties I guess.

  • I started doing open water back then, and kind of continued training that way.  Did very well when I did the 10K last year.  Didn't bother this year, because I knew the Summer would be a crapshoot, with a couple of vacations, and moving two kids (twins) into two different colleges.  But I have to say, I'm now tryin to get back to training for the pool, and I feel like a rookie.  My underwaters are absolutely atrocious.  My fly used to be my strongest, and now I really struggle to swim it well.  Fortunately, I'm able to train with a Masters program occasionally, and the coach who is there when I'm able to make it is fantastic.  She keeps finding little things that are wrong for me to fix.