workout terminology

I read the glossary of terms but it was too vague.  When a workout calls for 4x100 25 kick 25 drill, what does that mean?  To just kick, are you not using your arms, or are they just out in front of you, by your side?  And do you just breathe when you need to?  Also, what is drill?  The glossary does not explain it, just says it means to focus on a particular part of the stroke????  

Thanks to anyone who can clear this up for me!  Slight smile

  • kick is typically with a kickboard but there are many swimmers that have shoulder issues so it can certainly be done without one on your side, on your back, or on your belly breathing to the side. 
    Drill is often left open so you can focus on the part of your stroke that you need to work on. If you know you are not reaching out front there is a different drill than working on a high elbow recovery. 

    USMS also has a YouTube channel with numerous drills and other technique recommendations. 

  • kick is typically with a kickboard but there are many swimmers that have shoulder issues so it can certainly be done without one on your side, on your back, or on your belly breathing to the side. 
    Drill is often left open so you can focus on the part of your stroke that you need to work on. If you know you are not reaching out front there is a different drill than working on a high elbow recovery. 

    USMS also has a YouTube channel with numerous drills and other technique recommendations. 

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