Returning to Swimming After Covid-July 2022

I tested positive for covid late July 2022.  I was able to take Paxlovid within 8 hours of testing positive. Yes, I experienced some mild rebound. On day 14 I was feeling very good and retested and came up negative. During the course of the infection, I never experienced bouts of devastating fatigue or much fatigue at all over the two week period. My congestion and cough are significantly reduced to almost non-existence. I am thinking that I want to return to swimming and jogging. I know there have been some reports of cardio vascular issues out there with some people returning to sport activities after a covid infection. I've done a few of test walks and some time on a stationary bike and I'm just not feeling that fatigue thing or racing heart. My general question is: How long after testing negative are people returning to sports? Are people even waiting to test negative before they return to activities? Is a one week or two week period after testing negative too quick?  Are people waiting longer?