The use of "Choice" in workout in the Workout Library

Currently in the Basic and Low Volume Workout Libraries the strokes always seem to be listed as "Choice" even though it is sometimes obvious that a specific stroke is intended.  For instance, the name of the main set may be "Rounds of Free" but the workout is written as Choice.  Or it could be a drill that is most often used with one stroke but it is listed in the workout as "Choice".  The problem is that it is not always obvious to me which stroke is intended or if it truly is choice so it becomes confusing.  I would prefer "Choice" or "Stroke" be used when appropriate but a specific stroke named when that is the intent. 

  • I've been pulling my hair out with the way the workouts are written up.  I actually just came on here to see if there was a thread about "" and connecting it.  It is......suboptimal.  ALso you see several reps that have send off intervals ending on either :39 or :19.  Which makes no sense.

    ANyway, if you scroll down from the main workout library, you see a description going over this.  If you read into it, and here is where I'm finding that using the app isn't really working, adjustments are to be made from "choice."  So if the send off interval is 1:00 minutes for "choice," then for Free, ideally it would be 0.9 minutes, or 54 seconds.  For Fly, it would be 1:12.  Using the app is supposed to do all fhat for you, but I can't find the workouts in it all of the time.  

    Here is a cut and paste:

    Default paces are based on 2:00/100 meters and 1:49/100 yards (the conversion is based off .91 meters are in a yard). If your workout is written for 25 yards, use the 1:49 and if it is written as a meters workout (25 meters or 50 meters), use 2:00.
    The stroke type Choice is the default pace. The different strokes and styles take the default pace and multiply a factor to it.

    • Choice - 1x (default pace)
    • Fly - 1.2x
    • Back - 1.1x
    • Breast - 1.2x
    • Free - .90x
    • Drill - 1.5x
    • Kick - 2x
    For example, when swimming a set of 10 x 100 meters Choice @:30 rest, the overall time is 25 minutes. When swimming the same set as Free instead of Choice, the overall time would be 23 minutes.
  • I generally use choice as the descriptor for stroke options because I’ve found that many masters swimmers do not swim fly or breast for various reasons.  I thought choice would allow swimmers to choose and challenge themselves.   I try to address that in the workout description encouraging people to try 2 of each stroke or choose two strokes to change it up,   The odd intervals are pre-assigned, so sometimes as a coach you create a warm up set without intervals but the platform requires intervals and it assigns those.  

  • Which workouts do you author?  I've been mixing up basic, high volume, open water, and have done one of the IM/Stroke.  Right now, my training has been so sporadic that when I get in there, I'm trying to get volume, so mostly free.  Once I get 67Princesses settled into college in a couple of weeks, I should finally be able to get back to a more normal routine.  Until then, mostly free based workouts.

    I have seen the same thing as you......"non-free" seems to default to back.  My best stroke is fly, but at 48, dear lord I can't do much of it.  Swimdogs' older workouts seemed to be similar to USRPT, though not designed to make you fail.  I could do his set of fly, but it was 25's with a :20 rest interval.  Problem is I can't hold that for a 100.