What's wrong with this picture? (Pool lane lines)

Our community pool opened for the summer, and here are the lane lines this morning as set up for the time reserved for adult lap swim.  Would you consider this a safety issue?  Help me write a note to my city council.  Or tell me if it's fine.  Setting aside the first lane on the left, are you okay with the straight double lane dividers?

I politely asked two employees about it and their answer boiled down to, "it's a lot of work to change the lines for when family swim starts in a couple of hours".  

  • I’d bring it to someone’s attention, but not the city council…yet. They likely have issues much more pressing than lane lines in a city pool. Start with the lifeguard (which you already did) and work your way up “the food chain” until you get a proper response and reaction. Hopefully you’ll get results well before the city council’s involvement. Good luck.


  • I’d bring it to someone’s attention, but not the city council…yet. They likely have issues much more pressing than lane lines in a city pool. Start with the lifeguard (which you already did) and work your way up “the food chain” until you get a proper response and reaction. Hopefully you’ll get results well before the city council’s involvement. Good luck.

