Lifetime mileage

Just curious if any of you know what your lifetime swimming mileage total is. And I’m curious as to how I compare. I began swimming for fitness in the early 80s, and other than for triathlon and other open water activities I never really swam competitively. I’ve kept a handwritten log. As of today, at age 61 (+2 months), my lifetime total swimming mileage is 3339 miles in 2070 swims). For 40 years of swimming that just doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Especially when I consider my lifetime running and bicycling mileage totals (50,982 over 44 years, and 71,609 over 40 years). I know there are lots of swimmers out there with lots more miles. Just wondering how I stack up. 

Edited to add: After posting this it occurred that most of you probably don’t quantify your success in swimming by total distance milestones. That’s completely understandable, and I realize there’s more to swimming than just how far you go. It’s just that as a longer distance athlete, I’ve always…at least mostly later in life when I realize I’m not really going to get faster…measured my success or thoroughness by a compilation of my distance over a given period.


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