What is the hardest swim set you have ever done?

"Hardest" is open to your interpretation. Can be anything from 100 x 100s to 8 x 50's all out on 1:30 test set.


    One of our old coaches was a big baseball fan, and he was amped up about the Dodgers or something, so he designed this sprint/quality set he called Baseball. We were going to race 3 swims (an inning) up to 3 times (3 strikes). Taking our best times, he figured out some target time he wanted us to hit. We'd get up and race, and then he'd calculate how far off we were (cause we were typically not swimming as ambitious as his target) WITHOUT telling us our goal time, and then we'd have two more tries to get it (and if you hit your target, you didn't need to swim for all 3 strikes, so we could swim as few as 3x or as many as 9x). 

    Considering I had to start with 100y fly and struck out, my subsequent at-bats were an uphill battle, though I think he gave everyone 50s for the 3rd at-bat. I may have been graced with a sacrifice bunt after coming within a couple tenths on my 9th swim or something like that.

    I think most of our team will tell you we haven't done anything that hard in years prior or since. I don't remember exactly what I was swimming time-wise for those 100 flys, but I do remember they were ALL close to or just below :60, which is a time very rarely seen in practice ever for me.

  • This is fantastic and terrible at the same time!

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