What is the hardest swim set you have ever done?

"Hardest" is open to your interpretation. Can be anything from 100 x 100s to 8 x 50's all out on 1:30 test set.

  • As an age-grouper:

    alternating T-3000 at beginning of every month followed by 30x100 holding at or better than your T-3000 time two weeks later, alternating for several months.  Hardest because I hated it so much.  And I promised myself I would never make a swimmer do a T-3000.  And I never have.


    Freshman year training trip, stroke groups did 20x200 and distance group did 20x400, LCM.  I did 20x200 BR on descending intervals in sets of 4: 3:10, 3:05, 3:00, 2:55, 2:50.  Thinking back on it now makes my groin and knees hurt so bad...


    Switched to more speed type stuff last year and it has worked really well for me.  Couple sets (SCY) that have been burners:


    3x25 @ :05 rest @ P100

    75 @ P200

    2:00 rest

    "VO2 Max"

    (150 EZ after each set of 50s)

    8x50 @ :45 @ P200

    6x50 @ 1:00 @ P200

    4x50 @ 1:15 @ faster than P200

    2x50 @ 1:30 faster again than your "faster than P200"

    and the hardest set I did this past SCY season was my buddy's idea:

    20x50 @ 2:30 push max effort (averaged 25.6)

  • As an age-grouper:

    alternating T-3000 at beginning of every month followed by 30x100 holding at or better than your T-3000 time two weeks later, alternating for several months.  Hardest because I hated it so much.  And I promised myself I would never make a swimmer do a T-3000.  And I never have.


    Freshman year training trip, stroke groups did 20x200 and distance group did 20x400, LCM.  I did 20x200 BR on descending intervals in sets of 4: 3:10, 3:05, 3:00, 2:55, 2:50.  Thinking back on it now makes my groin and knees hurt so bad...


    Switched to more speed type stuff last year and it has worked really well for me.  Couple sets (SCY) that have been burners:


    3x25 @ :05 rest @ P100

    75 @ P200

    2:00 rest

    "VO2 Max"

    (150 EZ after each set of 50s)

    8x50 @ :45 @ P200

    6x50 @ 1:00 @ P200

    4x50 @ 1:15 @ faster than P200

    2x50 @ 1:30 faster again than your "faster than P200"

    and the hardest set I did this past SCY season was my buddy's idea:

    20x50 @ 2:30 push max effort (averaged 25.6)

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