Tech Suit Recommendations?

Hi all! 

Looking to buy my very first tech suit! I swam competitively from age 7 - 19, but I never bought a tech suit because I didn't think I was "worthy". I've been back in the water for a year and made some NQTs, so I'm excited and looking to treat myself! I swim all 50s and the 100 free. I'm trying to find something that works for sprinting, but won't be so uncomfortable that I'll be hurting throughout the day. 


  • The right tech suit for you isn’t going to be the same as for other people.  Gender, body habitus, torso length and budget will all matter.  I’m a female, 5-7, short short torso and about 150#, I just bought a finis rival. The 28 and 30 both fit but the 28 shoulder straps were VERY hard to get on and it dug in, so I kept the 30,  I dont believe that you need the *absolute* tiniest suit you can put on, as that may create massive discomfort and be susceptible to tearing and breaking on day of meet.   If I were a 20 year old sprinter, I’d have kept the 28. However- I am a 39 year old 200/500/200BR.  In 2019, I had a TYR thresher, in a 30, which was too large for me.  It’s nice to have on hand in case of rips/tears of my rival but it definitely has a different fabric feel and has the sewn seams (its 12&under legal) and that is reflected in the price point.  My best friend, who is roughly my same height and weight and events will be in a finis rival 2.0 because her torso is longer than me… so you just gotta try them on especially for women.

  • The right tech suit for you isn’t going to be the same as for other people.  Gender, body habitus, torso length and budget will all matter.  I’m a female, 5-7, short short torso and about 150#, I just bought a finis rival. The 28 and 30 both fit but the 28 shoulder straps were VERY hard to get on and it dug in, so I kept the 30,  I dont believe that you need the *absolute* tiniest suit you can put on, as that may create massive discomfort and be susceptible to tearing and breaking on day of meet.   If I were a 20 year old sprinter, I’d have kept the 28. However- I am a 39 year old 200/500/200BR.  In 2019, I had a TYR thresher, in a 30, which was too large for me.  It’s nice to have on hand in case of rips/tears of my rival but it definitely has a different fabric feel and has the sewn seams (its 12&under legal) and that is reflected in the price point.  My best friend, who is roughly my same height and weight and events will be in a finis rival 2.0 because her torso is longer than me… so you just gotta try them on especially for women.

  • Even for men, you got to try them on if possible.  The size charts I used when going from my LZR Racer Pro to LZR Pure Valor were all wrong.  According to the chart, I should have been getting a size 25 Pure Valor.  I got the 26 (they did not have any 25s in stock), and after 25 minutes I couldn't quite get it on in any sort of comfortable way.  My thighs are a lot bigger these days and so I couldnt pull it up all the way.  Sent it back and got a 28, which took about 20 minutes of patient work to get on the first time, but fit a lot better.  Once it had stretched to fit me (I also then wore it around the house for an hour to let it stretch out), it got a lot easier to put on.  Now I can change into it in under 10 minutes.

  • Fair point!!!! My 12 yo son just went through the buy/return nonsense for his state suit. Why a 22 in one brand fits like a 27 in another I’ll never understand!