Masters Program in the Berkshires/ western Mass ?

What are best places to live in western Mass/ Berkshires and be close to good pool with Masters Program? Thanks

  • Bill at Simon's Rock and Dan at Pittsfield have great programs. Drop either an email to find out about how to join. We practice just a bit further north in Bennington, VT (northern Berkshire folks join us since North Adams doesn't have a program and Williams is tough to get into since Covid). If you need any specifics send me a note.

  • Bill at Simon's Rock and Dan at Pittsfield have great programs. Drop either an email to find out about how to join. We practice just a bit further north in Bennington, VT (northern Berkshire folks join us since North Adams doesn't have a program and Williams is tough to get into since Covid). If you need any specifics send me a note.

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