Instead of a New Years Resolution, How 'bout an Old Year's Review?

Yep, that’s right: before I mess around with all of those New Goals and New Personal Bests, and New Records.  I try to dedicate an hour (sometimes 2!) at the end of every year to review my year - from a fitness and aquatic perspective.  I’m gonna be realistic:  I’m at the age (52) where I’m valiantly contesting the downhill slide of nature - muscle atrophy, lessened endurance, etc. and that’s OK!!! However, it takes some framing, and that framing can be helped a ton by some careful evaluation of what I have accomplished. 

I thought it might be fun to share some of the things we might track as a fitness swimmer. It doesn’t have to be pretty, and it doesn’t have to be full of milliseconds, medals, and awards. I just has to involve some time, attention and thought.  Below I’ve included a short version of what I use - Honestly I like to print it and post it up somewhere to think about for a week or so before setting my next set of goals.. (more about that in an upcoming article…)

    • How often did I swim?  (Psstt!  Just in case you haven’t seen it - there’s a tool for that right here on this website…)
    • How far did I swim?
    • What events did I do (another Psst!!! For those of us that don’t have that “gleam in their eyes” involving head on competition, I shoot for open-water events and Postal Swims - there are some great resources from that here)
    • What was my average lap (or distance?) 
    • What was my average breathing?
    • How many strokes to the wall?

  • Notice I’m not tracking times?  (yeah, i’m not knocking time goals or accomplishments  and the need for speed - I just figure there are plenty  of articles and discussions on that topic, and it might be cool to discuss something other than times)

  • What did I learn swim wise? (I’ve been a competitive or fitness swimmer for more than 45 years, but I find if don’t ask myself this, I get “stuck” in old habits)
  • What are two things I’m most proud of, swim wise this year?
  • What’s one thing I might want to work on?

So… Below in the replies I’ll post my answers to these questions - but I’d love to see as many of your replies as I can.  What kind of things do YOU look at in your swimming review?