I see there is a new membership tier. I am not clear what advantages this gives me since my primary focus is swimming in Meets, not in postal challenges Etc .

If I pay extra can I get a working forum? How about a sanctioned meet where everyone is vaccinated. Oh wait, I can do that now, in Canada

(I'd insert a frowny face, but evidently Elaine is the only one who figured how to do that.)

  • of course you are aware of the huge numbers of vaccinated people getting covid...more of a therapeutic right now than an actual vaccine.

  • Nothing is perfect.  That's why we use statistics to drive decisions.  Breakthrough infection is a basic aspect of virtually all vaccines.  If measles, smallpox, mumps, diptheria, pertussis, teatnus, rubella, polio, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HPV, Menogicocol, etc. vaccination rates were on par withi COVID, we'd now have herd immunity, and breakthrough infections would be commonplace, too.

    I'm sure you area aware of that, though!

    Of course you are also aware that the average age of hospitalized vaccinated people is about 80, and the average age of all hospitalized people is under 50 (meaning average age of unvaccinated is probably under 40).  Of course you are aware that the risk of death is about 12 times higher for unvaccinated.  Of course you understand that being hospitalized is also severarl factors higher as a risk for unvaccinated people as vaccinated.  Finally, there is no doubt what with your knowledge that you are aware that the more conventional vaccine, Johnson and Johnson, has proven to be far less effective, and that the majority of breakthrough infections were with J&J.

    Anyway, I know you are aware of all of this stuff.  But just in case anyone reading it somehow mistakes your wording for somehow implying that the vaccine is anything other than the best tool we have, I wanted to point out all of that data which, again, you are doubtlessly aware of.

  • Well said, '67.  As an emergency room physician, if he is not aware of all you pointed out, he should be!

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