Forum Access

The forums seem to limp along with minimal participation. I previously suggested that the forums be open to the general public and not just US MS members. It was evidently felt that it should be a US MS privilege. I think that if the forms were popular again it would encourage more people to join and there would be more value for the members as well. It may be too little too late as there just isn’t much forum, activity but I would really hope that the forums could be vibrant again.At one time people from all over the world were asking questions at the fforum and there were some really useful discussions. I don’t think people are getting much value from the forum for thier USMS membership at this time and having more people would be more value for everyone and again I believe could be a good marketing tool for US MS.

  • Are the forums, under this new format, restricted to USMS (paid) members only? I hadn’t realized that. I know that previously (before the change) they were open to anyone. I was active in the forums for many years before I finally became a paid member 8-10 years ago. But I concur…it’s the new forums that, for whatever reason, have resulted in a lot less activity. I too voiced some opinions/complaints/concerns right after the switchover. And someone who was apparently connected with the decision making would ask either via forum response, or email, for specifics. I’d respond but it just seemed like there was an air of “We’ve made the changes and they’re going to stay.” Before the change, there was hardly a day that went by without some discussion in the GENERAL forum. Now…sometimes more than a week passes without any discussion. I miss the old days.


  • Yes, 'DJ, the forums are restricted to paid members.  I absolutely agree with you and 67King, in addition to King Frog!

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