Whats your favorite Olympic Swimming Moment?

In preparation for the Olympic Swimming to start tomorrow, whats everyone's favorite Olympic Swimming moment? 

  • Ohhh, that's a tough one, because I have several.  Don't make me choose!  I'll start with watching Mark Spitz swim butterfly for the first time when I was a little girl.  I was mesmerized, and I knew from that moment I wanted to grow up and learn how to swim butterfly.  (I have swum a non-stop 2000 yard fly as well as a 1000 and several 500's!)

    I'm a Cullen Jones fan, so watching him win gold as a member of THE all-time great men's relay was awesome!  My voice was hoarse the next day from cheering at the TV so loud.     

    Ok, I'll stop at those two. 

  • women’s free relay in 76 , major upset against the cheaters 

    favorite not of a US swimmer- 1968 Felipe Munoz 200 BR upset victory. It was the only Mexican gold at the Olympics in Mexico and the crowd went wild screaming “Mexico “ the final 50M

  • What about Jason Lezak's final leg to keep Michael Phelps' 8 in 2008 dream alive?

  • All time, 2008 relay.

    This year......so many.  Katie Ledecky's monster anchor leg in the relay.  Schoenemaker's WR in the 200 Breast.  Actually seeing Lilly King prove me wrong about her (i.e. she is a genuine, caring person, happy for the success of others, rather than the arrogant person she comes across as before races).

    Gotta be honest, too.  In a moment of schadenfreude, seeing Michael Andrews' collapses.  I'm about sick of him, his father, and a level of hubris I haven't seen, ever.  Hey, Michael, if you can't wear a mask after a 5th place finish on a 200, but Katie Ledecky can after racing multiple distance races, including some golds, per day......maybe your system isn't superior to everyone else.  Spoiled brat.

  • I listed my favorites, but my biggest cringe so far to the coverage was the commentator describing Michael Andrews BR kick as narrow. He is a very fast BR swimmer, but if I was his coach I’d work on narrowing his kick as it is IMHO too wide.