Finally the Forums are back

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Now, we just need USMS to let the world know about this.  Unfortunately, all that has changed on the main USMS page is that the "Forums" link at the mish-mash of a link farm buried at the bottom of the home page now says, "Community."  I don't see how this is going to change the level of member involvement or engagement here.  Marketing the Community needs to be the focus!

  • Now, we just need USMS to let the world know about this.  Unfortunately, all that has changed on the main USMS page is that the "Forums" link at the mish-mash of a link farm buried at the bottom of the home page now says, "Community."  I don't see how this is going to change the level of member involvement or engagement here.  Marketing the Community needs to be the focus!

  • I agree!  How about also sending out an e-mail to the membership about the new U.S. Masters Swimming Community?  Some PR would help!

  • We just sent out a member-wide email announcing the new forums. Welcome to everyone dropping in!

  • Hi  There is a coordinated launch and communication strategy that began today.  We have added a link to community in the event drop down at the top of the home page and you'll notice community is the main item on as of today.   We did a soft launch to ensure that we were ready for much greater volume once the communication begins.   There is coordinated communication planned in the short term, including the email sent today, and plan to continue to foster engagement after our launch phase..

    As active members of the community, you may not see all of that communication because we can tailor to specific groups of members (and you already use the community so probably don't want messaging telling you to do so).  But in the short term you will see more mentions to get engaged and with any luck we'll see more posting and participation.   Thanks for your help getting this fully launched. 

  • Thanks for filling us in, Dawson.  I understand now, and your plan makes perfect sense!