Finally the Forums are back

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Here’s a question I have about the new forums...

    In the past, I’d like to have the “General” discussion forum bookmarked as a favorite so that I go click right to it (because that’s where a majority of discussion happens). In the old forums that worked out fine. It’d take me right to the list of General threads. But now...I click through the three or four levels to get to the “General” discussion forum (this one we’re on), copy the URL link, and paste it in as the URL on my bookmarks/favorites. But then when I click to go just goes to the “My USMS” page and then I have to click a couple of levels to get to the list of General threads. I check the URL loaded and it is for the General threads. Can anyone say why it takes me to the My USMS and not the list of General threads?
  • When we were beta testing, I reported a glitch regarding this issue.  I have the General Swimming page as an icon on my tool bar (saved when I was logged in); so, theoretically, when I click on it, I should be able to go to that page.  When I click on it the first time after logging into my e-mail, I end up at the My USMS page.  When I click on it again, it takes me to General Swimming.  It is the only site I have saved on my tool bar that makes me click on it twice to get to the right place.

  • When we were beta testing, I reported a glitch regarding this issue.  I have the General Swimming page as an icon on my tool bar (saved when I was logged in); so, theoretically, when I click on it, I should be able to go to that page.  When I click on it the first time after logging into my e-mail, I end up at the My USMS page.  When I click on it again, it takes me to General Swimming.  It is the only site I have saved on my tool bar that makes me click on it twice to get to the right place.

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