What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • I hate cold showers. Even lukewarm showers are unacceptable. Since I work out alone during lap swim, my pet peeve is having to share a lane with someone who swims (slowly) on their back and wanders from lane line to lane line.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    awesome thread!! lisa's pet peeves: 1. drafters. i cannot stand it when someone in my lane only goes 2 seconds behind me and drafts the entire time. and refuses to pass me, even if I ask. i hate that! 10 seconds behind, people! :frustrated: 2. people who swim butterfly down the center of the lane and refuse to break stroke or do a longer underwater to avoid smashing other swimmers. :dunno: 3. cheaters. there is this one person who gets in the fast lane at my masters practice who insists they can't kick, so they slack and turn around at the flags or halfway down the pool for every lap we do. please, just go on a slower interval! :( 4. People who come to masters practice just to pick up prospective dates. :rolleyes: 5. Small showers. At one of our Y's here, the showers come up to my shoulders. And i'm 5'5! How is that supposed to get my hair clean without bending over? :mad: 6. hocking loogies. gross. :shakeshead: 7. rain that forces the pool to shut down for practice. :eek: 8. people who talk while our coach is giving the set. :blah: 9. water bugs. have you guys seen these things? we had them in the outdoor pool at the O'Dome. They are about the size of your fist and are dark black and swim around with 2 clamper looking things. Scary! :o 10. Getting excited to get in the hot tub after practice and finally getting in and it's not turned on!! :shakeshead: 11. when people look at me and go, "no offense, but are you a swimmer?" and i respond, "yeah, why?" and they reply, "because you have broad shoulders." Why would i take offense to that? 12. People who try to talk during sets with gossip and whatever else. I agree with the above post that if you can talk during practice you're not working hard enough.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I can see where you are coming from in most of those exaples you listed Lisa......but I am still not sure why number 4 bothers you? Do you get hit on a lot at practice perhaps? I say any place is a good place to pick up women right!......(just joking of course....I'm happily married). Newmastersswimmer
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    yes, that's why it bothers me. but i can see how you'd think that! swim practice isn't a place to get picked up, is it? i'm usually too tired or too focused to even deal with that! :thhbbb: there is one man on the team who is constantly hitting on the girls 10-15 years younger than him. It's so annoying even the other men have begun saying it bothers them and that he's "creepy"!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    My pet peeve - I really cant stand it when people do not shower before getting in the pool. There is this one guy I have seen in the locker room come in from the fitness room after lifting weights, running on treadmill or whatever it is that has him soaking wet with sweat. He puts on his big baggy swim trunks and gets in the pool like it's a bathtub. He does not swim he just floats around on his back like he's winding down from his workout.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    awesome thread!! lisa's pet peeves: 4. People who come to masters practice just to pick up prospective dates. :rolleyes: LOL Lisa..I can see that would be annoying, but if they are swimming too perhaps they just looking for someone with same interests? Anyhow I have the counter peeve to this Lisa: Girls wearing T-back bikinis at an Indoor pool...OK I'm no prude and won't pretend I didn't look, but it is not what I want to see when I am trying to focus on my stroke, lap count and intensity--huge distraction. I don't care how great you look--save it for the beach not at the community Y...am I alone for feeling that this is really inappropriate? Other Peeve: "next lane racer syndrome" every time they bob-turn they check to see where you are...dude, you're doing crawl, I'm doing breaststroke--you win. Besides you rested for 2 minutes while I keep grinding...I always feel like popping on to crawl and sprinting when I get "clocked."
  • Pool too HOT or COLD. This past summer when we went outside 88 degrees is just too hot. This past month (back at indoor pool) it was down to 72 degrees at one point and out came the wetsuits. If thats not bad enough the showers were either scalding hot or too cold. Lastly is people who do not wait 5 seconds between swimmers in a lane. :blah: Donna
  • :agree: agree with all of you. how about people in your lane who try to modify the set because it's too hard? one man at my practice adjusts the intervals/repeats to something he likes. i avoid his lane as often as i can. why does he get in the fast lane if he can't make it?? That's a bad one. Next time he pulls this, tell him you aren't altering the interval. Or, better yet, tell him if he wants to alter the interval he can lead and you will go off 3 seconds behind him.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    :agree: agree with all of you. how about people in your lane who try to modify the set because it's too hard? one man at my practice adjusts the intervals/repeats to something he likes. i avoid his lane as often as i can. why does he get in the fast lane if he can't make it??
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Sometimes people get in the fast lane because the other lanes with slower pace may be packed with people. If this is case, just do what my coach says. Forget the toe tapping to let them know you are behind them and want to pass, go for the ankles and grab them and pull them under. greg